
Old Down and Beggarwood have a surprisingly long history and there is evidence of them being used by human beings back to Mesolithic times

about 10,000 years ago.

We are fortunate in being able to draw on the expertise of local arcaheologists and historians and we have attached 3 articles below plus a summary leaflet.

The first article draws on evidence of Bronze age occupation of Old Down.

The second follows on from the first and includes evidence of use into the twentieth century.

The third explains the meaning and purpose of the "Tumulus" recognisable on Old Down by the small circular bank in the south west corner near the A30. Our thanks to the authors.

The attachment Old Down - Tumulus is a leaflet you can download and print. The drawing and content has been produced by David Hopkins,County Archaeologist for Hampshire County Council to illustrate the kind of view that people may have experienced when looking out from the Tumulus on Old Down between 2,500 and 400BC.

The bank which lies within the old wood is evidence of the original Kempshott parish boundary. The parish of Kempshott is very ancient but was clearly not always very populous because Kempshott church was demolished in 1393 because there were no inhabitants to pay for its upkeep.At that stage Kemsphott was united with Winslade.